About Mundus
Our products are mainly sold as promotional items, but we also supply a range of products to our customers' regular assortment. We are order-producing, and our customers are primarily major retail chains in, among other things, Denmark and the other Nordic countries, Germany, England and Poland.
We have our own design, which for some goods means new design from scratch or for other products involves extensive further development of existing products.
We are innovative and focus on finding and developing news to our customers. Today we produce most of our goods in China, including via our own office in Zhongshan, but we are constantly looking for new suppliers and producing also goods in Europe. We often develop entire theme packages for our customers. In addition, we often receive ordering from our customers who want us to search for a particular item for them among our large network of suppliers.
Thoughts and visions.
Mundus Design emphasizes business ethics and does not want to use suppliers who use child labor or otherwise have ethics that do not comply with Western standards.
The company is therefore a member of the Worldwide Ambulatory BSCI Cooperation (Business Social Compliance Initiative). Amfori BSCI is an organization which includes Ensures that labor and environmental conditions of manufacturers worldwide are respected, including working hours, wages and checks that there are no child labor and forced labor at the factories.
Approvals and tests.
There are different approval requirements for different product groups. And the requirements often vary from country to country. Mundus Design knows which approvals are required and only works with suppliers who have their approvals in order, such as TÜV, GS, CE and ROHS approvals.
In some cases, a test is required in the country where the item is to be sold. Of course we also do this for and work in Denmark with the Danish Technological Institute and Demko for testing our products.